At university, it’s quite likely that you will have the opportunity to go to parties, bars or clubs – to meet new people and make new friends. For some, drinking can be an integral part of the university experience. However, it’s important to remember, whether you are out on campus, in your local area or at home, that you need to take responsibility for the safety of yourself and respect those around you.
Many bars and pubs operate using the ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign. If you or your friends feel you are in an unsafe situation, you can approach a member of staff and ask to speak to Angela. This will alert staff members to help you discreetly get out of the situation you are in. Watch this video to see how it works.
If you’re going on a night out and plan to drink alcohol, make sure you have access to a reputable taxi company or public transport.
If you plan to drive, the advice from the police is clear: avoid alcohol altogether. Even small amounts of alcohol can affect your ability to drive and there is no reliable way to drink and stay within the limit.
The Wellbeing Service provide wellbeing support and can connect you to other services that provide specific support internally and externally.
The Self Help Resources webpage provides details for organisations that can provide advice and support if you, or someone you know, is affected by substance misuse.
Driving under the influence of alcohol can result in not only the loss of your driving license, fines or imprisonment but could be fatal. In 2019, 1,760 people between the ages of 16-24 were killed or seriously injured in drink driving accidents in the UK. Remember – a mate doesn’t let a mate drink drive.