Your first priority while at university should be ensuring your own safety and while university is generally a safe place to be, there may be times when you are uncertain how to behave or what is expected of you. The pages below explore some key areas where students may encounter difficult situations and provide advice on how to handle yourself. You can also find information on USW's relationship with the local police forces and how they can support you if you do have any unsafe experiences.
University may be your first time partying or you may have had previous experiences at home, in either case it's very easy to get yourself into trouble in the wrong circumstances. Find out more about how you can party safely.
Whether you have had sex before or you are considering having sex for the first time, it's important to know how you can keep yourself and your partner safe. Check out the USW Health Service's info on Sexual Wellness.
USW works closely with our local police forces to ensure the safety of USW students. Find out more about which force looks after your campus and how you can engage with the police while at university.
Learn more about the essentials on consent so you can ensure your partner(s) are enthusiastically consenting to sexual relationships.
Everyone at the University of South Wales has the right to feel safe and supported.
An empowered bystander is someone who chooses to take action to intervene in harmful situations in ways that impact the outcome positively.